Small Groups

What is a small group?

At Journey Church, we believe in doing life together.   A small group is a group of 10-to-12 people gathered in someone’s home that meet regularly for Bible study, prayer, and other Biblical pursuits that set in motion and nurture the spiritual formation of individuals.  It is a space where we eat together, share our thoughts and prayers, and be real with God and with one another.

Our small groups officially begin in September and end in May. 
Each small group will decide what to do for the summer (June – August)

Small Groups


Simply put, “we need one another.” God made us that way. He designed us to be His personal agents to encourage, challenge, and care for one another. “A new command I give you: Love one another.  As I have loved you, so you must love one another.  By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” (John 13:34-35).

Each small group decides when and where it wants to meet. We can help you find groups that are meeting on a particular night or in a certain area of the city and connect you with them. Head over to our small group page to find out what current small groups are currently formed.

Each group has their own agreed upon childcare system, that is best for the group.

Every Small Group begins with a study designed to discover what it means to be part of a community. After that, groups are encouraged to follow the weekly sermon discussion questions designed specifically for Small Groups. As needed, groups can choose from a number of recommended curriculums to address specific areas for continued transformation, building relationships and equipping for service.

We yearn to experience God in all facets of human experience – intellectual, emotional, relational, and others.  Bible study usually carries a connotation of a lecture-oriented meeting, and it is usually designed to experience God on an intellectual level, primarily.  We have Discipleship Group to serve that need.  The emphasis of the small group is to experience God through our relationship with one another – by having loving and real conversations and heartfelt prayers that are rooted in God’s reality.

Many small groups form and immediately commit to meet for the amount of time they determine 2-24 months. However, we also offer a starter group, which is an introductory step into group life that lasts approximately six weeks. At the end six weeks, the group members can decide to continue as a community group and extend their commitment, or they can dissolve to find other group members. The length of time that your group meets together is decided by your group. If you have already connected with a small group then you have already taken the first step in the partnership process: you are involved!

A person who:
– has been through Starting Point
– has completed or is going through VP3
– has been in a Journey Small Group at least 6 months
– has a personal, growing relationship with Jesus Christ
– is recommended by another leader
– is relational —have good social skills and emotional intelligence
– recognizes the Bible as the authority in their lives
– has been baptized
– is a partner at Journey Church
– has the time, emotional capacity, and moral discernment to facilitate a group

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